Terms of use
This document establishes the Terms of Use of JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es, property of JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR S.A. (from now on, “JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR”), and its relation with the User. The reading, understanding and agreement with this Terms of Use is required to access and use the web.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR brings the Users this Terms of Use, so they can be read, stored and reproduced, thus fulfilling the prior information requirement (“deber de información previa”) as per the spanish LSSICE Law 34/2002 of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (“Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico”). This Terms of Use will be effective and valid for as long as they remain accessible in this web.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR reserves its right to modify, for justified purposes such as the fulfillment of the current law, technology evolution or changes in the service, the terms and clauses of this Terms of Use. Such changes will be effective from the moment they are published in JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es, and JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR will consider that they have been read, understood and agreed by the User if he/she hasn’t expressed its disagreement 15 days after the publication of the changes.
Ownership and purpose
In accordance to the 10th article of the Spanish LSSICE Law 34/2002 of july the 11th, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (“Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico”), the identificative information of JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR follows:
- NIF: ES B79157889
- Address: Calle Cinca 34, 28002 Madrid
- Phone: +34 91 561 11 11.
- Email: cgn@jgicsa.com
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR S.A. is registered in the spanish merchant registry (“registro mercantil”). The purpose of JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es is to provide access through the Internet to information about the company, its activity, projects done, publications and other useful information for visitors and JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR clients.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR reserves its right to update, modify or remove the information on its web pages, and is able even to limit or deny the access to that information to certain users.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR does not acquires any responsibility on behalf the information contained in web pages from other companies or individuals that can be accessed via links present in pages property of JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR. Links on JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR’s web pages are placed merely for informative purposes and do not represent a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR makes its best to guarantee the best possible service of the web and the absence of viruses or other malware, but can’t guarantee a perfect and continuous service when the web stops working due to force majeure or technical issues.
Intellectual and industrial property
The intellectual rights of the contents in JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es, its graphic design and source codes are property of JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR, and its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity is prohibited, even if the sources are mentioned, except when there is a consent written by JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR.
The articles and documents in the section “Publications” deserve special mention; they’re equally protected by the intellectual property laws and cannot be reproduced nor used in any other way than its online reading, except when there is a consent written by JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR.
The JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR logo is property of JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR and cannot be reproduced nor used in any other way without a consent written by JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR.
SGS and other logos that appear on JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es are property of its respective companies.
Personal data protection
In accordance to the spanish Organic Law of Personal Data Protection, Organic Law 15/1999 of december the 13th (“Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal de España; Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, LOPD”), JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR states this Terms of Use and informs the User that all the information collected by JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR via the contact forms, email addresses and any other tools in JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es are stored on the File named “JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR”, property of JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR S.A.
JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es uses Google Analytics to get statistical information about, amongst others, received visits, page views and sections visited. JESUS GRANELL Ingeniero Consultor.es also uses Google Maps to show interactive location information to the User. Google can store additional cookie on its behalf with the sole purpose of providing this very same functions.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR uses this collected information with the sole purpose of providing the best possible service, and to contact the Users who have requested information via email, phone or by filling the contact forms on the web; for example, to send their résumé.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR does not transfers nor sells this information to third parties without the specific consent of the User.
The user can exert its cancellation, modification, access or rectification rights by contacting us.
JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR is technically capable of protecting the personal information stored on the File, and will keep its technical resources updated and working in order to provide the best possible safety. Nevertheless, JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR cannot guarantee the loss of this data due to force majeure, disasters or extremely unlikely technical incidences; in such cases, JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR does not holds any responsibility about that loses.
Applicable legislation and competent court
The relations between JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR and the Users of its telematic services, as in this web, are subject to the Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
The User is informed and agrees that the mere access to this web does not means in any way the establishment of a commercial relation with JESUS GRANELL INGENIERO CONSULTOR.