Teaching experience

Our professionals collaborate with educational projects and scientific committees


The GRANELL Ingenieros Consultores team has a strong commitment to the training of future engineers and collaboration in scientific committees. 

Professional education

CARLOS GRANELL NINOT is a lecturer and Director of the 4th Module (The Dam as a Structure) of the International Master program in Dam Safety and Operation organized by the Spanish National Commission on Large Dams (SPANCOLD) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).

CARMEN MARÍA BAENA BERRENDERO is a lecturer of the 4th Module (The Dam as a Structure) of the International Master program in Dam Safety and Operation organized by the Spanish National Commission on Large Dams (SPANCOLD) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).

Scientific Committees

CARLOS GRANELL NINOT is the General Secretary and director of the Technical Committee on numerical modeling applied to dam design and analysis for the Spanish National Commission on Large Dams (SPANCOLD)

He is, in addition, a member of the Dam Selection Committee and the Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams Committee, which belong to the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)

CARMEN MARÍA BAENA BERRENDERO is a research assistant of the Technical Committee on numerical modeling applied to dam design and analysis for the Spanish National Commission on Large Dams (SPANCOLD).


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